Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Exploration of the Colorado River

This book really got me thinking and wondering what it must have felt to do something like what Powell did. To go out into the unknown without knowing what to expect; to not know who or what he might meet. It seems like back in those days a man would go out into the woods whenever he needed to find himself. Now things have changed so radically. Nothing seems to be wild anymore. Even when people do go camping in the woods it’s in a wildlife refuge that’s under constant monitoring by park rangers and such. They have cell phones, GPS systems, and readymade food. They didn’t have to live off the land and they know exactly what their getting into. It would have been pretty cool to be able to go somewhere the rest of the world knows nothing about and to do so with nothing more than my own skills. Kind of like that show man vs. wild, but with no camera’s.

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