Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thoreau's journal

I was assigned the later pages of Thoreau’s journal and quite frankly I found the man to be a bit strange. He spoke of nature very passionately but at times it seemed a bit exaggerated; like if he used nature as a way to hide behind his problems therefore he had to give it a higher meaning. It also seemed as though he must have been a very lonely man. There was scarcely any talk of friends or even of any kind of female companionship. As far as I could tell the few friends he did have didn’t seem to care for him very much. They seem to spend much of their time cutting him down about his obsession with nature and even his cheap cloths. Which is another thing I found strange it was obvious that he didn’t have money but why did he feel like he had to justify being broke, like when he spoke of why he had the cheap cloths he had. i did however enjoy how he was for the mostly consistant throughout the years something that i thought was special. Most people's attitudes tend to be constantly changing now a days.

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